Monday, May 1, 2017

Keep calm and standardize - Checks

The word that we love and fear.

We all know that standardizing our IT practices makes us more efficient and profitable.  However creating those standards can be a rather daunting task.

Let's focus on the basics of check management.

Every machine you install will automatically detect and create checks. And this is a great thing!  If only every machine wasn't set to different check thresholds.

Let's look at how we can make these changes effectively.

Making changes to individual checks

Disk space checks are commonly set to different values across your devices.  When the agent is first installed it will detect the remaining free space on the machine and configure a threshold relevant to that, but this creates a lot of different thresholds.  Sometimes these failures aren't truly a problem.  

How can we change that?

When editing a check on a device in the South panel. We will receive a few different options. Today we will look at Edit checks like this and Delete Checks like this.

When selecting these options you will be greeted with the following Window.

Take note of a the options here.
  1.  Allows you to filter our specific Clients and Sites to avoid editing or deleting their checks
  2.  Allows you to change the sorting or filtering of the East panel
  3.  Allows you to filter for specific options in the East panel. (This is extremely important to edit or delete the correct checks)
When highlighting the filter option.  We can filter for the check we are trying to edit or delete.

In this case we are editing all C:\ checks.  I have filtered out any other checks to avoid any accidents. I will check all the devices on the left of the East panel and hit Edit Selected.

All I have to do is set the appropriate threshold.  In this case will be 10% and hit Ok.  

And with that I'm done.  I have aligned my checks accordingly and shouldn't receive anymore frustrating false positives.

But what about other checks?

They are the same approach.  You will notice that the window is the exact same and the options on the East panel are changed to be appropriate for the check you're changing.

This is just one way of standardizing your checks thresholds but this can prove invaluable to lining up your dashboard.

Keep an eye out for the next part of the series.  Keep calm and standardize - Monitoring Templates