Wednesday, September 28, 2016

System Tray Application Icon - Greatest thing since sliced bread!!

There are many features that can be deployed to your customer's devices by simply getting Advanced Monitoring Agent installed to start with.

There are now options such as antivirus, remote access, unobtrusive (background) management, web filtering and browsing protection, silent patch management, and even individual offsite backup.  All of which are simple to deploy, easy to monitor, and great ways to help you take care of your customers computer & network health.

But in my opinion, the feature that provides you with the most value is the System Tray Application icon. Of course, since it is your business, you may configure it any way you like but here are just a few examples of what you can accomplish with this feature.

So here's an example list of items in my tray menu.

Note that in between each item are TWO separators to make it look neater on the customer's desktop.  So don't be confused by the Menu Option numbers below.  This looks like this -

The menu options:

  1. Emergency IT Support Call - Emergency Support Phone # (Possibly a Service Desk Voice Phone # to promote another tool we offer (Locked out of their computer or Internet or Email isn’t working!!)
  2. #CLIENT# - #SITE# - #DEVICE# - #CURRENT_USER# - Set up Text that automatically pulls the client/site/device/current logged user information
    Great for when someone uses #1 and they are able to give their information to a technician for easy retrieval to quickly pinpoint their device
    Shows just some of the variables that are available to add to the menu options.  Please look at the Support Center User Manual (Help File) for all of them!
  3. Submit Help Request via a Web form
    -    If user registration is required, this will ensure trouble tickets are being requested by someone who is willing to pay.
    -    This cuts down on charity work or confusion
    -    Also, can keep sensitive data there designed only for registered users to access.
    -    FAQs and even specific to the client knowledge base articles
  4. Open a Helpdesk ticket via Email - Allows system tray application to automatically pull information about client/site/device/current logged user information and add it to the ticket using the Email variables. 
  5. Send the Helpdesk a Screenshot of your issue - Same as #4 but will allow for all screens to be attached to an email, as a screenshot, for review.
    Possibly a pop up window that will not go away would be the need for this scenario
  6. Save Screenshot - Could be involved in a site visit; to have "proof" of the problem when the person helping arrives.
  7. Avatar’s Helpdesk - Same as #3 except it is made for one particular client (Can be branded and also can require users to register to access the help request form.)
  8. ABORT AUTOMATIC REBOOT - Great location to post a command that can be executed by the end user (Maybe this is all a part of the story we want to communicate) Maybe run a program that is used in problem solving that the output can easily be retrieved to communicate back to the technician.
    Customized URL created once a customer's End User Portal has been re-branded in ServiceDesk
    Maybe we've written about this before?  Check out this article for more information:  OH NO! A REBOOT! ... Never fear - SysTray's here
  9. Can our Website answer your question? - Maybe you decide to post information on your website that your customer must go there first.
  10. Exit (Removes the System tray Icon)

This is just one way you can customize your system tray ... imagine the possibilities!